Snow and Fire for Wind Symphony - Score and Parts
A 14-minute work for wind ensemble. This piece explores themes of grief experienced alone and the healing experienced among friends. Difficulty Level: Grade 3.5 Note: this piece meets all criteria listed for the American Band College’s Grade 3 standard, all except its length. This is a longer, more musically substantive work than is typically found at Grade 3.
Order details
Once payment is received and processed, we will get your order ready, placing a statement giving permission for you to use the materials. You will receive two .pdf files, one with the score (11"x17") and one with all the parts (8.5" x 11"). Your order will be sent to you in a .zip file within 5 working days.
Terms and conditions
You are purchasing a license to use one or more digital files containing copyrighted material by the composer. Each digital file is stamped with a copyright mark, legal statement, and details of the purchasing organization and purchase date. Any material supplied is designed for use by the specific purchaser and their organization only. This non-exclusive license grants you the right in perpetuity to print and perform this musical work at concerts and other events. Other rights are to be negotiated separately. This license is non-transferrable. Any third party wishing to perform a John F Paul Music work should make direct contact and purchase a set independently. This includes conductors wishing to tour a set around various organizations, each organization is required to purchase a copy.
By continuing on with this purchase, you acknowledge and accept these conditions.